Prayer Cards

Today while I was digging around in our old school cabinet, I came across a blue index card box. As soon as I found it, I knew exactly what it was. On top it’s clearly labeled “Mom’s Treasure Chest.” Inside my mom has tons of index cards with various ideas written on them. They range from T.V. alternatives to spiritual training, to surprises we could do for Dad, as well as ideas for every month and holiday. Some of them reference books (there was no internet then, remember) and some, well who knows, but the woman is nothing short of a creative genius (wonder where I get it from?), so they might have come from her own brain. (Mom, consider yourself warned! One day, when I have little feet circling my legs at 55mph, I might be sneaking into your house at night to steal this!)

Mom's Treasure Chest

When I opened it, the first thing I saw was these cards. (Baby 14 year old brother was not around yet, which might be why they are pink, since it was only my sister and I). These are prayer cards. We used these every morning at the end of our devotional time, during our prayer time with mom. I remember them well.


These cards were divided equally amoung all the pray-ees. These were the people we were responsible for praying for during the prayer time. All they are, are index cards, with pictures glued on, labeled, and then covered with clear packing tap for durability (great alternative to laminating). But what a great way to help kids pray. Even kids who can’t read yet can recognize the person in the picture and pray for them.


I can see these being useful even as an adult now. Especially if you have certain people (or events, etc.) that you don’t pray for/about every day. You probably don’t need the pictures to help you, but could easily write names on cards and then draw them during your prayer time.


Now these days we have computers, so one could probably quickly create some in WORD and just print them out and cut them up. Espcially if your like me and never get prints made of your digital pictures (it’s a terrible habit).

Happy Prayer Time!


Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.

Philippians 4:6

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